Chef Adam’s January Humble Onion Soup


Our Chef Team’s winter recommendation is a warming soup to start the year with all the goodness to see you through January!

Plus, it’s low cost – perfect to keep those pennies in check this month.


Ingredients (For two people):

1 Bay Leaf

3-4 Sprigs of Thyme

Pinch of salt

200ml of Cooking White Wine

500ml Basic Vegetable Stock (stock cube is fine)

130ml Semi Skimmed Milk

4 large white onions (chopped)



In a large pan, cook off the chopped white onions, bay leaf and sprigs of thyme on a low heat until the onions have softened, occasionally stirring to avoid the onions from catching.

Add the cooking white wine and vegetable stock and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add the semi skimmed milk and a pinch of salt.

Blitz with a blender, season to taste.



Chef Adam